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By Ferramentas Blog

The Benefits of Dancing

1. Be Forever Young Dancing is tremendously beneficial in keeping young people because it delays the aging process. It is beneficial for the heart, cardiovascular system and increases lung capacity. Fact: The rate of respiration and muscular effort of a dancer in the competition are equivalent to those of cyclists, swimmers and a 800-meter runner.
2. Strong Bones, Lubricated Joints Dance aids in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, which is a major concern for women, especially during the post-menopause. Dance also keeps joints lubricated, which helps prevent arthritis.
3. Burning Calories: Dance exercises our bodies to allow for increased circulation. Help us to burn excess calories and improve our energy. It is estimated that dance burns between 5 and 10 calories per minute depending on speed and intensity. For example, swing and mambo burn more calories than a slow waltz. Check how many calories they consume about every style.

Disco, Latin, Mambo and Salsa:

DANCER WITH 43Kg - 264 Calories consumed per minute (approximately)

DANCER WITH 56Kg - 330 Calories consumed per minute (approximately)

DANCER WITH 68Kg - 396 Calories consumed per minute (approximately)

DANCER WITH 79kg - 462 Calories consumed per minute (approximately)

DANCER WITH 90Kg - 528 Calories consumed per minute (approximately)

Fast, Balett and Twist

DANCER WITH 43Kg - 288 Calories consumed per minute (approximately)

DANCER WITH 56Kg - 360 Calories consumed per minute (approximately)

DANCER WITH 68Kg - 432 Calories consumed per minute (approximately)

DANCER WITH 79kg - 504 Calories consumed per minute (approximately)

DANCER WITH 90Kg - 576 Calories consumed per minute (approximately)

Slow Waltz and Foxtrot

DANCER WITH 43Kg - 144 Calories consumed per minute (approximately)

DANCER WITH 56Kg - 180 Calories consumed per minute (approximately)

DANCER WITH 68Kg - 216 Calories consumed per minute (approximately)

DANCER WITH 79kg - 252 Calories consumed per minute (approximately)

DANCER WITH 90Kg - 288 Calories consumed per minute (approximately)
4. Better Blood: A recent study found that it is necessary to measure the levels of "bad" cholesterol and "good" to determine our health. Dance aids in lipid control, which raises our HDL (good cholesterol) and lowers LDL (bad cholesterol). Dancing is also great for diabetics because it helps control the level of blood sugar.
5. Mental Mastery Dance improves our memory by making us memorize steps and choreography, which is a good mental exercise for our brains. The big benefit is that increasing mental exercise keeps your mind young, active, alert and open.
6. It's all in balance: Balance in a position can be easy, but balancing the many positions involved in dancing is much more difficult. Dancers have mastered the ability to balance in many locations. This strengthens the muscles, while protecting our core and makes us less prone to injury in our daily lives. Dancing also helps in strengthening coordination and reflexes. It is a great way to keep the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system in shape by improving the connection of body and mind.
7. Socialization: dancing fun, helps us to create a social life, giving us the opportunity to make new friends. Friends helps us grow, make us laugh and help us as we learn.
8. Cultural Diversity: Dancing has no cultural barrier. People from all over the world, with different ideologies, meet on the dance floor. Cultural interaction improves our health by expanding our!
9. Groomed to perfection: Dancing is not only fun and romantic, but it helps promote good grooming because everybody wants to look their best while they dance. Good grooming keeps us healthy by keeping the hygiene.
10. A Happy Dance elevates our mood by raising levels of endorphins, which allows us to combat stress and depression - two of the greatest enemies of our immune system! Help us to raise our self-confidence and self-discipline. It improves the harmony between mind and body, giving us a feeling of well-being.
by Barbara Craddock, in

Benefits of dance to children well beyond the físicoFonte:
Tribune Nortepublicidade
Dancing is much more than pure fun. The execution of choreographed steps, repeated within a method and guidance, provides several benefits to physical and mental health. For children then, the dance can activate and develop positive skills that will accompany the rest of life.
A child dancing works the muscles, strengthening it, stimulates motor coordination, flexibility, posture, body awareness has increased, concepts of space, in addition to improving their social integration. Musicality, rhythm and creativity are also among the gains.
"It's an activity that requires concentration, because children learn to have respect to some rules of the dance, as in any other sport, develop self-confidence, because in some ways, challenges the body a little, socialize contact with other children "says Bianca Dore, dance teacher and director of a school for this activity.
At the beginning of learning the dance explores the natural movements of each child their own pace, his expression. The classes have a more playful and relaxed. The technique is being introduced gradually, but respecting the physical and psychological fitness of each age, the overall needs and aspirations of each.
Bianca Dore states that in his school are accepted children from age three, but the technique does not begin to be taught in effect for about five years. "It is this age that we begin to move even with the dance itself. Before it is a re-drafted, so to speak. "
Thinkers argue that the dance, along with education, provides elements that favor the development of human being, a kind of completion of their training staff. Children who have had dance classes in the pre-school, of course, would be easier to be literate, say the theorists.
So, little feet in shoes!
Dance encourages discipline and creativity in children
Obey the class schedule, to ensure the uniform and accessories, follow strict choreography and teaching. For Professor Roosevelt Pepper, the most significant factor in learning to dance is discipline. It also highlights the benefits that physical activity creates, in addition to body awareness, musical - "Children learn to have taste for good music" - and an extensive background in the apparatus. The sense of punctuality is also highlighted by the master.
Roosevelt considers the teaching of dance something very serious and, therefore, the most effective, he said, is the "baby class", implemented by the Royal Ballet of London. In it, the movements are transmitted to children in a relaxed way, without the classical tradition.
"If the child will have to make a trunk flexion forward, we say we will take a dip. At other times, remember pets. It is very playful, "he says.
But not everyone is qualified to teach the precepts of the dance from this method, Roosevelt alert. "You must provide notice to apply. And Christmas has very few qualified teachers, "he says. "Without this method, there can be consequences such as spinal problems, displacement of the basin."
Roosevelt Pepper is one of the more significant in the formation of dancers at Christmas. He founded the Municipal School of Ballet - which now bears his name - for 35 years, and was also its director, teacher and choreographer. Currently, a consultant for Dance Arts Foundation captaincy.
While teachers theorize, parents seem to have yet a full understanding of the benefits generated by the dance for children. Some mothers actually design the daughters / sons unfulfilled desire to be dancers. Professor Dore Bianca realizes this space in the daily driving, but believes the situation is changing.
Professor Swimming, Graziella Brönnimann always liked to dance and long practiced tap. The fate of the other paths led away from the dance. Graziella but realized that his daughter inherited his taste for choreographies and in October last year to Catherine enrolled in tap dancing lessons.
Today, she realizes the results. "My daughter was more outgoing, uninhibited. She lives dancing and singing when we're on the street, "said Graziella.
Beyond the physical benefits of socialization and promoted by dancing children, a more global involves teaching, since there is a greater involvement with other arts and concepts, music, visual arts, nutrition and physical education. Bianca Dore said following a different proposal to transform the child into a more complete artist in the future.
To that end, a special program is held once a month on Saturdays, in a 'class', when information is passed differentiated: circus, nutrition, gymnastics, yoga, theater, always with the presence of a specialist in each area. Bianca Dore is also the head of a social project for public school students, with places for children under 10 years of age.
"Some pediatricians already indicate the dance to work the body